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First, I thank God for this opportunity to serve as the Moderator of the Piedmont District Baptist Association. Secondly, I thank you, the officers and members of this fine association of churches who have elected me as your leader. I take this position with all sincerity understanding that it is a privilege and an honor to represent this Christian organization. I believe that prayer, integrity, consistency, effective communications and the power of the Holy Spirit will guide us into greater avenues of victory. I look forward to working with you – pastors, staff, officers, and members. Together, we can do many things to encourage the body of Christ.


Vision Statement 2009-2013


I envision the PDBA being a greater resource for member churches by providing connectivity to larger Christian organizations that offer tools, personnel, finance, and opportunities to grow in knowledge, wisdom and understanding of God’s Word and instructing them how to be better stewards of God’s gifts.

I envision the PDBA being an example of efficiency and to become a trail-blazer in the use of technology with the creation of a PDBA Web Page that is noteworthy, interactive, up-to-date and informative.

I envision the PDBA using its 501c (3) status to obtain grants that will benefit member churches and the community.

I envision the PDBA forming a bond of fellowship and to share knowledge and experiences through the (Been There, Done That) BTDT Program. If, for example, we have members who know how to set up Quick Books, let’s make this information available to other association members.

I envision the PDBA having a laptop(s) and LCD projector (s) available for loan to member churches.

I envision the PDBA continuing to provide Christian education conferences and student scholarship with greater emphasis placed on youth and adult involvement in our association events.